‘Mindfulness is the awareness that emerges when we pay attention in a particular way: in the present moment, with curiosity and kindness to things as they are.’

(Oxford Mindfulness Foundation, 2020)

Welcome to Thrive Mindfulness

Located on the Island of Guernsey, I specialise in teaching Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Life (MBCT-L) following the curriculums and teaching methods set out by the Oxford Mindfulness Foundation. MBCT-L is a specific strand of mindfulness aimed at those who want to navigate challenges with greater ease, increase positive experiences and move towards realising their potential.

Informed by the modern psychological sciences of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Positive Psychology and the contemplative traditions of Buddhism, mindfulness has evolved from decades of research and development to become a range of evidence-based interventions used to improve mental health and support wellbeing.

The essence of Mindfulness begins with training our attention; if our mind is more often in the present moment, we are able to notice and savour life’s pleasures that might otherwise pass us by. Rather than rushing through life on autopilot, learning to live more mindfully allows us strengthen and reconnect with our inbuilt capacity for peace, joy, fulfilment and wellbeing.

By developing our present-moment awareness, we are also able to see challenges and difficulties with greater clarity and objectivity. We are better able to free ourselves from unhelpful patterns of thinking and behaving; Instead of slipping into habitual reactivity, we learn to respond more wisely, with greater compassion towards ourselves and others.



I currently offer two evidence-based courses and follow-on sessions formulated by the Oxford Mindfulness Foundation, the world-leading authority on mindfulness research and education. Each course is delivered in-person and includes a detailed handbook and an audio file of guided meditations to support your learning during courses, and into the future.

Introducing Mindfulness

A beginner course comprised of three, 1-hour sessions spread over 3 weeks.

With a recommended home practice of approximately 15–30mins per day*.

Groups of 4+ £75 pp
(maximum individual cost please enquire for larger group packages)
Additional concessions available for registered charities.

1-to-1 tuition: £195

All prices are subject to additional venue costs (If applicable)


Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for Life


An in-depth, universally recognised 8-week course which requires 2 hours,15 mins. per session (plus an extra 15 mins for session 1).

This course also includes a 5-hour day of teacher-led practice and a recommended home practice of approximately 15–45 mins per day*.

Groups of 4+: £405 pp
(maximum individual cost please enquire for larger group packages)
Additional concessions available for registered charities.
1-to-1 tuition: £1215

All prices are subject to additional venue costs (If applicable)

*It is sometimes said that learning mindfulness is not difficult remembering to use it is. Home practice is therefore a chance to help you consolidate and deepen your learning; to help you form new positive habits of mind and to benefit from the practices beyond the classroom. Like all mindfulness teaching, this is simply an invitation to action and should not be seen as a source of stress or a barrier to attendance.

Follow-on meditation sessions

1-to-1 or group drop-in meditation sessions

Upon completion of either of the above courses (with myself, or previously with another teacher), I can tailor informal follow-on meditation sessions to yours, or your organisation’s requirements 15 minutes once a week during a lunch hour, for example.

Groups of 4+
£15 pp. per hour
(maximum individual cost please enquire for larger group packages)
Additional concessions available for registered charities.
1-to-1 tuition
£50 per hour

(£20 minimum charge)

All prices are subject to additional venue costs (If applicable)

About Me

Simon Harrison

BSc (Hons) Psych (Open).
Level 4 mindfulness teacher (OMF).

My interest in mindfulness began in 2013 when I developed Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME). With a medicinal cure yet to be discovered, I spent the next 7 years searching for ways to manage my symptoms and navigate the challenges of living with a chronic illness. During my journey back to full health, I was struck by how Mindfulness had the potential to not only ease the effects of ill-health and adversity, but also to cultivate peace, balance and greater wellbeing.

A new career path followed, and in 2021 I graduated from the Open University with an Honours degree in psychology, and in 2022 I completed a 12-month mindfulness teacher training course with the Oxford University Mindfulness Foundation.

I have recently spent two years teaching mindfulness at The Oberlands mental health and wellbeing centre in Guernsey, and now offer on-island private tuition to individuals, groups and businesses with a focus on nurturing our capacity for happiness and wellbeing through mindfulness.


If you’re interested in learning more, booking a course or anything else, please drop me an email and i’ll get back to you as soon as possible.


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