Is it like therapy? — will I have to share my problems?

No. Mindfulness tuition is an opportunity to learn a new skill set to help you manage and maintain your wellbeing. During group discussions you may wish to contribute brief examples from you own life to help describe any learning challenges and successes, but this is entirely optional.

I’ve heard that there is also a lot of meditation involved — is that true?

Yes. To make positive changes in our lives and better manage our mental health and wellbeing, we first need to learn how to fully connect with how our mind and body are feeling in any given moment; basic guided meditation practices (and gentle movements in the 8-week course) are used to do this.

What if I haven’t done any meditation before?

That’s okay. If you’ve ever felt totally in the moment whilst watching a sunset or if you sometimes notice how good something tastes, then you’ve already had a taster (excuse the pun!) of what it is to be mindful; to be mediative and fully alive to those moments. It is this inbuilt ability that you will learn to develop through simple guided meditations ranging from 3 to 30 minutes long depending on the type of course you are on.

I already have healthy ways to relax — what else can this type of mindfulness help me with?

Although Mindfulness was initially developed to help stress reduction, it has been successfully adapted to improve other areas of life too. The ‘Mindfulness for Life’ curriculum I teach builds on this by also helping us to recognise those patterns of thinking and behaving that don’t serve us well and how, through training our attention, we can get better at noticing and embracing the things that bring us joy and fulfilment instead.

I’m having some personal problems at the moment; the last thing I want to do right now is focus on how I’m feeling!

Whilst mindfulness has the potential to help us better navigate life’s ups and downs, the tuition I offer is aimed at the public and is not helpful or suitable for everyone. You will be asked to complete a brief questionnaire about your mental health and wellbeing to assess whether the course is likely to be safe and beneficial for you. Any concerns you may have can be confidentially shared and discussed, and it may be that taking the course at a later date, exploring mindfulness courses designed for a specific difficulty, or obtaining support from a doctor or mental health professional may be more useful to you at this time.

I’m keen to learn about mindfulness, but I don’t know anything about Buddhism or psychology — it all sounds a bit deep and complicated!

As trained mindfulness teachers we are encouraged to teach without the use of technical scientific jargon or unnecessary complexity; it is our duty of care to foster a supportive learning environment and to ensure that each session is taught with simplicity and clarity.

Do you offer tuition online?

No. I currently only offer ‘in-person’ tuition across the Channel Islands, UK and worldwide by appointment.

Where will tuition take place?

Ordinarily, if you are a community group, business or other team-based organisation I will attend your premises and utilise an appropriate space. Though I can also arrange a location at an additional cost. Similarly, I can offer 1-to-1 tuition at your home, a preferred private space, or at my home. 

I like learning alongside others, but my workplace / organisation doesn’t offer mindfulness. What other ways can I access your courses?

I plan to organise various group courses throughout the year where individuals can come together and learn in a community setting. Please email me to express your interest, then we can make it happen! I also offer all tuition on a 1-2-1 basis.    

I have a busy life / organisation; how much time will I / my team need for this?

Please see our courses on the ‘services’ page for more information.  

I / our sports team / business / community group / organisation / HR department, have heard a lot about mindfulness and would like to explore how it could help maintain our wellbeing and succeed in what we do.

I will be very happy to meet with you — simply send me an email! 

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